❤A Dog’s Life❤

Danna Reich Colman
3 min readDec 30, 2021

Georgia is not your typical dog at all. In fact, she might not really be a dog! Maybe when you read about her typical day, you will understand.


Each day at about 2pm, Georgia wakes up and looks at me to see if I’m awake.

Very often she will stand on top of my legs and stare at me until I open my eyes.

Once my eyes are open, Georgia expects to cuddle a bit and then be served breakfast.

After breakfast, Georgia follows me into my office where I check my email, Facebook, and Medium.

We often take a short stroll around the garden, which gives Georgia time to smell the flowers and do her…



Danna Reich Colman

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright