Him and Her — An Unlikely Love Story

Danna Reich Colman
4 min readNov 17, 2016

by Danna Colman and Thom Garrett

He was in Montana fishing while she was in Beverly Hills shopping. He was a mountain boy, and she was a city girl. They were an unlikely match. If they had met at a party, they might not have spoken more than a word or two, but they began to talk through their personal essays. After that, what had seemed highly improbable, didn’t seem so unlikely at all.

What is it that attracts us to another? A pretty face? A warm smile? Maybe it’s chemical, an unconscious response to an unnoticed scent. They had none of that. Still, somehow they both noticed a connection with each other and felt they had known one another somewhere else, maybe only in a dream. In fact, she did dream of him one night. He was on a long road trip from North Carolina to Northern California. She dreamed he was lost and stopped at her house to wash his dogs and take a shower. In her dream, she handed him a towel through the bathroom door and caught a glimpse of his bare legs on the wet floor. She told him about the dream but didn’t mention that she thought she might have seen something else, too, something that embarrassed her.

She liked him. She liked the way he wrote about his wife — the love of his life — who had been gone for almost two years. His words touched her heart and made her sad — for him, for his wife, and for herself. As…



Danna Reich Colman

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright