Georgia at The Georgian Hotel

Danna Reich Colman
4 min readAug 8, 2017

(An illustrated story)

Once upon a time there was a dog. Maybe I should begin again. Once upon a time there was a dog that looked like a dog but wasn’t really a dog. I named her Georgia. Georgia is a Cavapoo. Her mother is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and her father is a Toy Poodle. One day Georgia took a plane from Crocker, Missouri to San Diego, California, to begin her story with Danna, her new mom.

Georgia’s Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mother Wendy
Georgia’s Poodle father Spike

I’ll let Georgia tell her own story.

Me Georgia Button

Hi I’m Georgia. I am six. My most favorite thing to do in the whole world is stay home with my mommy. My second favorite thing is to travel by car from San Diego to Los Angeles to see my Cavapoo friends. I love it when we go to Los Angeles because we always stay at The Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica.

I absolutely love The Georgian!

The Georgian Hotel on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica

It’s so much fun when we arrive because the valet comes out to greet us. I like to embarrass mommy by being as loud as I can. I howl and madly scratch at the window because I can’t wait to see everyone.

My first time at The Georgian Hotel with my friend and namesake Georgia
The Georgian Hotel front desk and lobby

There is a lobby with friendly people at the desk who like to greet me by name and run their fingers through my soft, cream-colored hair. I am really, really soft.

The long, long hallway

We are on the sixth floor all the way down at the end of a long hallway. My mommy doesn’t want me to have to walk all the way back to the elevator and then down six flights, so she puts my potty pad down in the huge bathroom so I can go all by myself whenever I feel like it.

The big living room with an ocean view

I like this particular suite because it’s really, really big, and I can see all the way across the street to the Santa Monica Pier and the ocean.

My mom and I sleep in this big king size bed together

I sleep in the big bed next to my mom with my own blanket and pillow.

Sometimes we have room service.

Mommy brushes my teeth every night before bed, and right after that she gives me my bedtime cookie.

I love it when we get into bed because this is when I get to give my best kisses, and mommy tells me how much she loves me and what a good girl I am. She always says. “Night night, I love you” and “Sleep well and have good dreamies” and “See you in the morning, Moonsie.” She only calls me “Moonsie” when she’s being really lovey dovey which is always before I go to sleep.

I always get to sleep really late because my mommy likes to write stories sometimes all night long. When I wake up, I stay very still until I make sure mommy’s eyes are open before I give her my kisses. As soon as she is awake, I roll over on my back for her to tickle my tummy.

The Georgian Hotel veranda

We have our breakfast on the veranda at 3pm when everyone else is thinking about dinner. Mom orders coffee with eggs and bacon. She never lets me have bacon because she says it’s too salty for me, but I get lots and lots of bites of scrambled eggs and my own breakie with sprinkles on top!

Watching for my friend to arrive
Jasper arriving

Then I have to bark for awhile at the passersby while I wait for my Cavapoo friend Jasper to arrive. He is just as excited to see me, too.

Mom takes one last sip of her coffee while I greet my friend, and then we go back up to our suite to play. Well, not exactly play. We sit on our mommy’s laps while they talk and talk and talk, and we just look at each other and sigh.

I absolutely love The Georgian!

You can find more stories about Georgia Button here and here and here.



Danna Reich Colman

Writer, author and copyeditor. “What doesn’t kill us gives us something new to write about” ~ J. Wright