Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Their reunion was spectacular! The boy pulled into the hospital parking structure, and the girl didn’t even wait for him to park. As soon as she saw the elevators, she popped her door open and jumped out of the moving car. With no empty spots in sight, he pulled into a No Parking zone and killed the engine, chasing after her in time to catch the elevator. In the lobby, they spotted the news reporter on his way out.
“Where’s Georgia?” shouted the girl.
“Who’s Georgia?” replied the reporter.
“Georgia! The dog! The talking dog! She’s my Georgia!”
“You mean Liv? She’s your dog? Stay right here, lady! I’ll take you there myself!” And then he yelled out the door to the television station’s news van. “Marty! Bring the camera and a mic, stat!”
The crew had a hard time keeping up with the girl who kept running ahead while the reporter tried to stop…