It’s time to ditch them all, the blind followers and especially the blind leaders. How bad does it have to get before we all recognize our “leader” is blind, deaf, stupid, and we wish he were dumb.
I don’t make a habit of making such blanket statements because I truly appreciate a diversity of opinions and welcome a healthy dialogue, but the list of his bullying, disrespectful actions is only surpassed by the list of his daily lies. His political and business corruption is so breathtakingly brazen that we’ve not only stopped being shocked by him, we’ve also begun to accept and even expect the same from all the rest of them. So how can we have a healthy dialogue? It’s like arguing for the use of antibiotics or immunotherapy with someone who fervently defends a doctor who uses leeches to cure everything from infections to cancer. We can’t have a dialogue because some ideas are just plain wrong. It’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a fact, and just because you strongly believe a lie does not make that lie more true.
Donald Trump is a bully and a pathological liar. That’s the plain truth, and I don’t think many honestly disagree with that. But when I say something like that, people in red hats waving flags say, “If you can’t respect the man, then you should respect the office.” But that’s the problem, isn’t it? I do respect the office, and that’s why I am so offended by…